Rockhopper`s Key & Moss Key Pins

Have you ever wanted to know how to enter Captain`s Quarters and Hidden Lake  ?!

Well here are the cheats!

To get the Rockhopper`s key you need to go to Book Room ( upstairs at Coffee Shop ) click on the bookshelf  and click on this book, then reach to the end of the book and click on the key and you are good to go! 

After getting the pin you can enter Captain`s Quarters when Rockhopper will be on the island
and you can play Treasure Hunt game!


To get Moss Key you need to go to the Mine, then start playing Puffle Rescue, and click here:

When you start playing to straight to the black puffle and stay there.

Wait few secounds untill the Giant Squid passes. After it passes it will leave air bubles so you can go above them and reach to the key.

Make sure you are fast enough and don't miss the bubbles, otherwise you will have to restart it from the begining and do the same untill you reach the end!

Yaay! We have found the key! Now you can always enter the Hidden Lake without playing Puffle Rescue

Isn't it cool huh ?